The Euro Lodge 2021 is a project that Tetraktys is pleased to support. The aim is to set up a Craft Lodge with Brethren from the European Union and with a EU nationality who live and work in the United Kingdom. Without doubt, the conflicts and divisions that Brexit has created in our society are the reasons behind this idea. Citizens from EU-member States who had been allowed to settle in the UK ,without constraints, for the previous fifty years, have been turned into aliens in the name of a dubious 52/48% vote on a poor turnout. A vote often described by right-wing Tory politicians as an “overwhelming” verdict to leave the Community and as a justification to cast away from this island millions of of Europeans. A tragedy for those who had to leave and those who have remained.
This EU Lodge Project reminds me of the contents of an article, titled “Masonic Europeanism”, that the online magazine Corrispondenza Romana published not long ago. I’ve extrapolated and translated some of its passages to show you that the idea of a united Europe is Masonic goes back a long time.

According to the French academic Yves Hivert-Messeca, the Freemasons were dreaming of a trans-national society or fraternity and conspiring for a new Europe as early as the eighteenth century.
Prof Gianmario Cazzaniga, a scholar that the Grand Orient of Italy highly esteems, shares this opinion. He also believes that the concept of a Universal Republic first arose in the circles of literati, aristocrats, antique merchants, and scientists and later received the support of Huguenots , bankers and Freemasons.
The realization of a European Republic that would reflect Masonic principles, implies the project of a socio-cultural metamorphosis achievable only through a revolution–the French one of 1789 and the New World Order more recently –that would crush the power of the Papal State, the political and military Catholic monarchies (such as the Habsburg in the past), or the Republics now.
The League of Peace and Freedom published its first issue of Les Etats-Unis d’Europe in 1868. The organization was based in Bern, Switzerland, but had branches also in France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, and England. It named Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian hero and Freemason, its Honorary President.

The Grand Orient of France on August 31,1900, convened a worldwide Masonic assembly in Paris. The Grand Master of the Swiss Alpine Grand Lodge, Edouard Quartier-la-Tente (1855-1925) attended and in his presentation he expressed the hope that a coalition of all the Masonic Powers would one day come together and realize the Masonic dream of establishing a Universal Republic. “Vive la République universelle!” shouted a number of present Freemasons.
In 1902, sixteen years before the fall of the Habsburg Empire, the Review of Italian Freemasonry of the G.O.I. , published an article by Brother Emilio Bossi (1870-1920), in which he stated:
“It is up to Freemasonry to give rise to the preparation for the future creation of the Federation of the United States of Europe, a prelude to the United States of the World“

At a meeting of the French and German Freemasons held on 3 July 1909 in Baden-Baden (Germany), the high officer of the Grand Orient of France Charles Bernardin toasted to the “United States of Europe and Universal Freemasonry”.
With the fall of the catholic Austro-Hungarian monarchy, which the Grand Orient of France played a major role in, Freemasonry returned to Austria with the creation of the Grand Lodge of Vienna in 1918. Four years later, Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) was initiated , in Vienna, in the Humanitas Lodge and later in the “Mozart Chapter” of the 18th degree Rosicrucian Prince of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Count Kalergi was the founder of the Pan-European Movement which received the backing of the Grand Lodge of Vienna. In the book Praktische Idealismus, he compared the European Spirit to the figure of Lucifer/Prometheus who is “the Light Bearer who brings the divine spark to Earth, its prince and the father of the struggle, technology and of the light”.
In the second part of the twentieth century, the Grand Orient of Italy and its Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite earnestly embraced the idea of a “United States of Europe.”
In a book published in 2010, the Freemasons Jean-Claude Rochigneux and Alain Bauer (a former Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France) quoted the Contrat Maçonnique Européen of the G.O.F which states, among other things, that:
- Freemasonry defends secularism because only secularism protects absolute freedom of belief and worship;
- Freemasonry embodies the European idea;
- Freemasonry aspires to establish a Europe that is culturally Masonic
The “Europe Maçonnique” that the Grand Orient of France proposed would be a Europe founded on Masonic cultural, political, and social principles, and would include secularism.
On October 15, 2010 and on November 30, 2011, delegations of various European Freemasons (including those of the Grand Orient of Italy and the United Grand Lodge of Germany) met with the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament, in Brussels, to agree on a common plan that promotes “democratic” and “libertarian” ideals.
Today, we can all see what the Freemason Kalergi was referring to as “the Spirit of Europe” ! It is the cancellation of the sovereignty of Nation States and the imposition of policies that are incompatible with Europe’s ancient Christian roots, such as the laws that recognize homosexuality, gender change, and the abortion.
When in April 2011 the center-right majority of the Hungarian Parliament ratified with 262 yes votes to 44 no votes a Constitution founded on Christian principles, the Masonic European establishment reacted bluntly.

The Hungarian Constitution recognises marriage only as a union between a man and a woman, limits the powers of the financial institutions (banks), defends human life from conception, and refuses to acknowledge the “right” to abortion or to a homosexual union. All beliefs that clash with a “Europe maçonnique” !
The European Union launched a ferocious defense of the independence of the big financial institutions – like the E.C.B. and the I.M.F. – and by threatening economic reprisal against Hungary. Even the ostensibly independent and well-known British Broadcast Corporation felt it was within its own rights to denounce the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s conservative shift.

Alas, we are seeing today the deafening silence and apathy of those Orders and Fraternal Societies that should protect fundamental human rights and freedoms. The “Bishop of Rome” , Francesco Bergoglio, whom is mistakenly referred to as the Pope, no longer speaks of God but promotes the Big Pharma’s vaccines like a salesman and surrounds himself with Jesuits and Freemason prelates whom he carefully places in the line of command of the Vatican State.
Perhaps to the delight of some, a “Europe Maçonnique” and a global secular society may be on the brink of becoming a reality, but it will be at the cost of us never again living in a democracy !
The Editor does not necessarily share the opinions stated in the articles published but strongly believes that responsible, independent, honest, impartial journalism must be carried out and submit all views, even if conflicting.
The Truth is never only one !
- The Muses in the Lodge. Freemasonry and Literature in the eighteenth century, CM Cazzaniga,G.Tocchini,R.Turchi – Unicopli Edittions, Milan 2002
- L’Europe sous l’Acacia, Histoire des Francs-maconneries europeennes du XVIII siecle a nois jours. Editions Dervy, Paris 2012
- L’Etats-Unis d’Europe, N.47, 22November 1868
- Congres Maconnique International, Secretriat General du G.O.F., paris 1901
- What is the essential mission of Freemasonry in the present age? , Rivista of Italian Freemasonry, N. 13-15, 1902, Rome
- Requiem pour un empire defunt. Histoire de la destruction de l’Austriche-Hongries, Lieu Commun , Paris 1989
- Erleuchtung und Verblendung, Studien Verlag, E. Semrau, Innsbruck 2012
- Praktische Idealismus. Adel-Technik-Pazifismus (Pan-Europa Verlag, Wien-Leipzig 1925)
- The meeting of the Peoples. Monthly magazine of the current affairs and culture, Year XV, N. 7-8, Rome 1975
- A Europe of Garibaldi, L’incontro delle persone, April-June 1979, Rome
- The meeting of the gentiles, Elvio Sciubbia, L’Eco, Rome 1979
- Les relations internationales de la franc-maconnerie francaise, A. Bauer-JC Rochigneux, Armand Colin editions, Paris 2010
- The Freemasonry protagonist of the social and moral life of Empire, Erasmo news, infor bullettin of the G.O.I. N. 18, October 2010
- His Majesty’s Servant , David Garrick Esq – Freemason ? - June 7, 2024
- Influencia de la Masonería en Chile - April 29, 2024
- Pomegranate in Freemasonry – its significance - March 11, 2024