Freemasonry and the Ars Structoria

Ever since man took his first steps to evolution and left behind  his condition of ignorance, he has had the capacity  to remember and a desire to tell his experiences to his fellow creatures.  In other words he has always felt the need to pass down the wisdom that cascades from his forbearers’ actions.

The conquering nations needed to instil fear and respect in the hearts and minds of the subdued people. They needed to accomplish this  so that they may have retained control over them  and  to achieve it they built permanent reminders of their military prowess and of the achievements of their  political leaders.

At the same time  the conquerors, finding  the need to integrate the capitulated people , imposed on them their traditions, their religious belief and – where present –  their legislation or rules of obedience.

In essence, they  passed on  their “Ars Vitae”.

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